Mouriki Premium Honey

Heather Halkidiki Honey- 450g


Heather Mouriki Premium Honey- Since 1960 

Heather honey's vibrant orange-red hue hints at its rich, complex flavour profile. With each spoonful, you'll encounter a delightful balance of subtle sweetness and a gentle, earthy bitterness that lingers on the palate. Its velvety texture enhances the tasting experience, while its remarkable concentration of phenols adds depth and character. This honey is truly a sensory delight, offering a symphony of flavours that captivate the taste buds.

Notably, it holds the highest concentration of phenols among honeys. Packed with minerals, amino acids, enzymes, and B vitamins, it offers potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits

About the Producers

Embracing the age-old tradition of nomadic beekeeping, the Mourki family honour the environment and their bees with meticulous care and respect. From the bountiful landscapes of Greece, they gather honey and other bee products, employing techniques that tread lightly on nature. With years of expertise, they relocate their beehives to pristine, flower-laden mountains, forests, and fields, far from human interference. Spanning from Messini to Thasos and Central Macedonia to Continental Greece, their journey follows the flowering seasons in pursuit of nature's sweet treasure—honey.
In the early 1960s, Anastasios Mourikis began his journey in beekeeping under the guidance of a prominent beekeeper. After two years of training, he established his own apiaries. In 1978, his wife Fotini joined the business. Their son, Panagiotis, grew up immersed in beekeeping and later took over the leadership, expanding the operation to 2,500 apiaries. To ensure quality, they modernized their production with a state-of-the-art packing plant in Stefani, Voiotia. Maria Mouriki joined the family business in 2017, focusing on product promotion. With 60 years of dedication, the Mourikis family continues to innovate and meet the evolving demands of their customers.

In November 2020, they established a permanent apiary on the picturesque island of Kimolos in the Cyclades. Here, amidst the fragrant thyme and wild lavender, they continue to expand their collection of honey varieties, enriching our offerings with the unique flavours of Kimolos.

Elevate your tea ritual and savour the unique taste experience that this Honey can deliver.

Weight: 450g

Explore the range of Mourki Premium Honey

Please note: Crystallisation is natural property of unprocessed, untreated honey. Crystallisation is a natural property of honey that does not cause a change in its nutritional and biological value. Only in external characteristics of colour and texture. It is a characteristic of pure, unprocessed honey.

How to de-crystallise honey

The process to de-crystallising honey is simple. Crystallised honey liquefies in 'ben-marie', at 45-50 Degrees Celsius, without losing any of its nutritional value. Alternatively, you can place the jar with the lid open in the oven at 40 degrees Celsius until it liquefies.



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